Expecting a baby in 2025: 10 things to do before they arrive

Expecting a baby in 2025: 10 things to do before they arrive


Welcoming a new baby into the world is one of the most amazing experiences in life. As you prepare to meet your little one, the countdown to their arrival can feel equal parts exciting and overwhelming. 

Preparation ahead of your baby’s arrival is important to help ease the transition into parenthood, and luckily for you, there are lots of tools and resources to help you prepare during your pregnancy.

Whether it’s your first baby or you’re adding to your family, here are 10 essential things to do before your baby arrives to ensure you’re ready for their debut.

Create a birth plan

A birth plan is personal to you and contains all the details of what you would like to happen during your labour, birth, and after birth. If you would like to create a birth plan your midwife can help you. Things to think about are: 

  • Your birthing options (hospital, in a midwifery unit, or at home)

  • Decide on your preferences for pain relief, labour positions, and who you would like to support you at your birth

  • Be flexible – things may not go exactly as planned

Take antenatal classes

Antenatal classes are a great way to prepare for birth and the arrival of your baby. Places in antenatal classes can get booked up quickly. So be sure to look into these early in your pregnancy to avoid disappointment.

  • Antenatal classes are free on the NHS – to find out about classes near you, ask your midwife, health visitor or GP

  • Include your partner or the person who will be supporting you during your birth for shared preparation

Set up the nursery

Designing the nursery for your new baby is super-exciting, but it can be hard to know where to start. Lots of parents-to-be like to start a Pinterest board dedicated to their baby’s nursery to allow them to start collating ideas and inspiration.

  • Make sure you choose quality, long-lasting nursery furniture that grows with your baby

  • Don’t forget to measure your space before placing any furniture orders

  • Remember you’ll also be spending lots of time in the nursery too, so make sure it’s a calm and cosy space for you both

Stock up on baby essentials

Baby’s might be small, but they require lots of things to keep them happy, healthy and nurtured. Things like nappies, muslins, and sleepsuits are things you will get through quickly, so start building your collection early on.

  • If you’re planning on having a baby shower you could create a list of things you need, meaning you don’t get bought duplicates or things you don’t necessarily need

  • Keep an eye out for baby events online and in-store, stock up while things are discounted or on sale

Make your home baby safe

If you’re a first-time parent, babyproofing your home will be completely new to you. But, to put it simple, it essentially means removing anything from your home that can cause harm to your baby. Some things to consider are:

  • If you live in a house with stairs, consider installing safety gates if needed

  • Keep all small objects out of reach

  • Purchase a children’s first aid kit

Take time for yourself

In the run-up to your due date, make sure to prioritise time for yourself. Whether that’s relaxing and catching up on a TV show or eating out at your favourite restaurant.

  • Treat yourself to activities you enjoy while you have the time

  • Take a babymoon or enjoy date nights

  • Rest and recharge – parenting will soon demand plenty of energy!

Pack your hospital bag

At least 3 weeks before your due date, or earlier if you can, you should have your hospital bag packed and ready to go. Your hospital bag should include everything you need for labour, birth and after birth, and of course, everything your baby will need.

  • Don’t forget to pack your birth plan and hospital notes

  • Be sure to take your phone charger – you could be there for a while

  • Double check items specific to your hospital or birthing centre requirements

Prepare older siblings or pets for a new baby

Welcoming a new baby affects the entire household, and preparing older siblings or pets can help ensure a smooth transition:

  • If you already have children, make sure you talk to them about the baby using age-appropriate language to explain what’s happening and what to expect. Share books or videos about becoming an older brother or sister

  • Plan quality time with your older child before and after the baby arrives

  • When the baby arrives, introduce them to your pet calmly and under supervision

Build your support system

When your little one arrives, you will soon realise how important it is to have family and friends you can reach out to for a helping hand. Whether that’s picking you up a few essentials from the supermarket or looking after your baby for an hour while you get some rest.

  • Identify friends and family who can help you after your baby arrives

  • Join parenting groups or online communities for advice

  • Schedule time for your partner or other children to feel included

Plan for postpartum recovery

The first 6 weeks after giving birth are know as the postpartum period. During this time, it is important to look after yourself and prioritise healing. Don’t be afraid to ask for help from your partner or loved ones.

  • Stock up on postpartum care items like maternity pads, and if you’re planning on breastfeeding, nipple pads and cream. A nursing pillow will also come in handy during your recovery

  • Ask friends and family to bring you a home cooked meal when they visit, rather than a gift

  • Don’t be afraid to communicate your needs with your support network

Preparation is key when expecting a baby but remember to also enjoy this special time. Life is about to change in the most wonderful way—cherish every moment leading up to your little one’s arrival in 2025!