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Toddler Advice

becoming a parent is one of the greatest things in life, but it can also be one of the scariest! the uncertainty of what parenthood will bring can spook anyone, but we hope to calm those nerves with a little advice from the experts.

8 Fun and Easy Valentine’s Day Activities for Toddlers
8 Fun and Easy Valentine’s Day Activities for Toddlers


Valentine’s Day isn’t just for couples - it’s a wonderful opportunity to spend quality time with your little ones and create special memories together! If you’re looking for simple and engaging ways to celebrate with your toddler, we’ve got you covered. Here are 8 fun Valentine’s Day activities that incorporate sensory play, arts and crafts, baking, and other exciting ways to celebrate.

Valentine’s Sensory Bin

Create a Valentine’s themed sensory bin using red, pink, and white rice or dried pasta. Add heart-shaped cookie cutters, scoops, measuring spoons, and small toys for your toddler to explore. Let them scoop, pour, and feel different textures while developing fine motor skills.

Always make sure you supervise your toddler during any sensory activities.

Fingerprint Heart Cards

Help your toddler create Valentine’s Day cards by using their fingerprints to make heart shapes. Let them experiment with different colors and create a heartfelt keepsake for family and friends.

Valentine’s Day Storytime

Snuggle up in the Etta Nursing Chair and read Valentine’s-themed books with your toddler. Some great choices include Love from The Very Hungry Caterpillar by Eric Carle and Guess How Much I Love You by Sam McBratney.

Dance Party with Love Songs

Create a playlist of fun, love-themed songs and have a mini dance party in your living room! Songs like “Love Is an Open Door” from Frozen and “A Whole New World” from Aladdin are great choices.

Heart-Shaped Sugar Cookies

Bake simple sugar cookies and let your toddler help cut them into heart shapes using cookie cutters. Once baked and cooled, decorate with pink and red icing and sprinkles!

DIY Playdough Hearts

Make homemade playdough in Valentine’s colours. Use heart-shaped cookie cutters and rolling pins to let your child create their own Valentine’s-themed playdough designs.

Act of Kindness Together

Teach your toddler the importance of kindness by doing something special for a family member, friend, or neighbour—like delivering a handmade card or a small treat.

Love Bug Craft

Use kitchen roll tubes, googly eyes, pipe cleaners, and paint to create adorable “love bug” crafts. Your toddler will love decorating their bug with hearts and glitter!

These easy and fun Valentine’s Day activities will keep your toddler entertained while creating special moments together. Whether you choose sensory play, crafts, baking, or other fun experiences, your little one will love celebrating the holiday in their own sweet way. Enjoy making memories, and Happy Valentine’s Day!

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